Naturally You
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
  Goodbye Stretch Marks...
Each one of us at some point in our lives will have to deal with the stretch marks. Many of us see it as something dreadful and we try our best to avoid getting any, cause lets be honest once they make thier apperance thats it...they may fade but you always know they are there...

"Stretch marks are the result of the rapid stretching of the skin associated with rapid growth (common in puberty) or weight gain (e.g. pregnancy). Although the skin is fairly elastic, rapid stretching of the skin will leave permanent stretch marks. Stretch marks are generally associated with pregnancy, obesity, and can develop during rapid muscle growth from regular exercise".(Taken from Wikipedia)

Many people swear by Palmer’s cocoa butter cream but it doenst work for everyone! True it helps but its known that its in the genes, so ask your mum if she got stretch marks when she was pregnant…if she answers No then consider yourself one of the lucky ones as you might not have to suffer (however u might still get it) ….if she answers Yes then you have something to look forward to :P

With my first pregnancy I asked my mum and she said she never got stretch marks when she was pregnant with my bro and I didn’t get any stretch marks with my first pregnacy either…but with Dania’s pregnancy I did…although I made sure to apply the cocoa butter cream but I guess it helped but didn’t prevent them…

Anyway so now that I have them I want to get rid of them lol…but naturally. Olive oil is great not only is it good for your insides but for your outside as well. The best type of Olive Oil is the Extra virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) because is the least processed and retains the highest nutrient value.
Anyway what I do is I simply rub olive oil after my shower, the marks are starting to fade…and I cant believe it! They seem to be disappearing right before my eyes!

For many ppl who have stretch marks know what they look like when they start but for thoes who don’t they start off as dark red squiggly lines and gradually fade into light silvery streaks..

Here are pictures for a better understanding (pics taken from the web)

I have liked the EVOO so much that I have substituted it for my regular cream and use it as a moisturizer. Its very effective, makes my skin glow and feel ever so soft and lasts a looonnnggg time..and can be used for many other things as well…

Let me know how u go and if you have other uses for EVOO pls do share…

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008
When i first started this blog i intented for it to be about using all things natural to bring out the natural beauty in you hence the name Naturally You. However i have found another passion which is makeup, i mean its only natural i am a woman after all..and there are great tips out there and wonderful people who share thier personal tips and techiques for looking fab! So be prepared for some posts on makeup have been warned!!!

So anyway during these past few days i have been trying some DIY face masks such as the Aspirin Honey Cleanser/Mask which blogged about a few posts ago although i use it regulary but i think i overdid it this time as i did not wait for the aspirin to completely dissolve and did not mix the honey well making the mixture too strong for my senstive skin which irriated it and woke up the next day with very dry and flaky skin around my nose and lips....

So i decided to rub some olive oil to moisturise the areas it did work for but only for a i searched around for a mask for dry skin and found out that Egg yolk is great for dry skin as it is full of protein, vitamin A and fatty acids that can really help smoothen your skin and diminish blemishes. So i tried that i applied the yolk of the egg on my face for approx 15 mins until it dried and rinsed out with warm water and my skin felt so soft and revived and my dry areas were smooth but an hour or so after that my nose felt all dry again...i think i am just going to leave my skin alone for a few days and hope that it goes away soon....

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Tuesday, March 4, 2008
  A Mummy once again
Nine days after my last post I gave birth to our 2nd baby girl whom we named Dania. They always say giving birth the 2nd time round is easier and I guess its true. Although I was induced with both girls each birth was unique. With our first daughter I had used drugs only pethedine though (wanted to go as natural as possible) to ease on pain and with Dania I used nothing! Yes nothing all natural!

It’s a wonderful experience and so worthwhile (I know all mothers say that but that’s because its true!)Once they place your baby in your arms u simply forget what you have just been thourgh!
I hope the year 2008 is treating you all well I will be updating keep checking

Here is a pic of my girls

"Using Nature to bring out your Natural Beauty" Naturally You will explain how to take care of your inside as well as your outside.

Location: Oman
December 2007 / January 2008 / March 2008 / October 2008 /

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