Naturally You
Monday, December 31, 2007
  Aspirin Honey Cleanser/Mask
I am sure many of you have read or even tried this mask, there are so many different ways of making this mask i will show you how i do it.

I found out about this mask from Michelle Phan on YT (aka Rice Bunny), as I am also a makeup fan and hope to be blogging about mineral makeup once I have ordered them as they are not available here .

Michelle has absolutely flawless skin and was i thrilled when she shared her Aspirin Honey Cleanser her blog.

I started using this approx 2 weeks ago and I can honestly say I see a difference, my skin is much softer and looks fresh, I have already gotten raves how glowy my skin looks.

Benefits of the Ingredients

Aspirin is great for your skin. Basic function of it is being an analgesic and antipyretic, but more importantly, as far as skin care, it is its anti-inflammatory power. This is important when it comes to treatment of acne and other inlammation processes on the skin.
Aspirin contains acetyl-salicylic acid AKA Beta Hydroxy Acid, widely used in cosmetics as it is able to slough off skin cells thus preventing the clogging of pores.
It is a powerful ingredient that cleanses skin and treats the the cause of acne.
It is pretty cheap and almost everyone has it around the house.

Rose water is astringent, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic, and can be used as a facial cleanser or as a toner

Honey check my post on Honey

Why does it work?
Aspirin is actually a form of Beta Hydroxy Acids or BHA’s, which are found in many skin creams and work by exfoliating the dull, dead layers of skin, revealing fresh new skin underneath. Over time, BHA’s can help clarify skin tone and promote healing of blemishes. However, do not use the aspirin mask if you have a sensitivity to BHA’s or if you have very sensitive skin, or obviously if you are allergic to aspirin!”

Why does it work? taken
from Essential Day Spa

To make the mask you'll need
Rose Water

Aspirin (3 or 4 tablets)


Alcohol free toner

Moisturiser I use Neutrogena Healthy Skin Anti-Wrinkle cream (until I find one a natural one that I can make on own)

Pictures of Aspirin, Honey and Moisturizer are from Michelle’s blog linked above

1) Take around 2-3 tablets of aspirin *if u can find coated then simply dissolve them in a few drops of water, if not then I crush the tablets (it should be grainy not powdery) instead then add a few drops water.*

2) I would suggest adding drops of water at a time to get the right consistency you don’t want it too runny as you still have to add honey!
3) Add a 2 squirts of Honey onto the aspirin. After wards, mix the mixture until the aspirin is coated with the honey.

4) Before applying the mixture I cleanse my face with rose water by soaking a cotton pad with rose water and going over my face.

5) Start applying the mixture on your face. Make sure you avoid the eye and nose areas (specifically nostrils!) Apply and spread the entire mixture on your face. Leave it on like a mask for 10 MINUTES.
As you are washing it off, take advantage of the grainy texture of the aspirin and LIGHTLY exfoliate your skin. This will get the dead skin cells off your face, and polish your skin to leave it glowing
After having dried your face dab some toner on a cotton ball and wipe your entire face in a circular motion. The toner will not only take off the gunk that the cleanser left behind (like makeup and dirt) but it will also constrict the pores, making them appear smaller and less visible. Finally apply moisturizer on your face and VOILA you’re done.

I use this mask once a week as I have sensitive/combination skin type.

As I mentioned earlier in my post you can add other ingredients such as yoghurt, which is good for dry skin, you can search the net there are lots of different ways but this is the one I tried and works for me and hope you find one that works for you.

**Btw i am on the look out for any homemade recipe for a Toner and Moisturizer please let me know by commenting on this post or emailing me at mayya.hamoud [at] gmail [dot]com

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Tuesday, December 25, 2007
  Linked on Her Natural Beauty!!!
This may seems a bit sad but I am so excited that my post on Cure for Sore Throats and Colds was linked by Michele Tune from Her Natural Beauty she shared her Cold and Flu Tonic recipe although I have not tried it but it looks to be quite effective.

Thanks Michele once again for linking back to my blog a great way to end the year
Monday, December 24, 2007
  Upcoming Entries
Just thought I would update you of upcoming blog entries.

Facial Masks for Oil and Combination Skin
I am going to try homemade facials on my family who has willingly agreed for me to test the faicals on them. My niece has oily skin type and i have combination skin type so I have searched the net for ones that would our skin types.

Homemade Makeup Remover
Ladies you all know that you have to take off your makeup before you go to bed, so I am going to post what you could make and save some $$$.

Hair Masks
I am currently testing out shampoos and conditioners that you can make from the ingredients found in your kitchen. I don’t like using the commercial shampoos and was using the natural ones but as I ran out I thought I would opt to try new things from my kitchen!

Homeade Hair Removal Sugar based (Halawa)
I usually get rid of unwanted hair by waxing, which i buy from the local supermarket. I have no complaints but would like to try making my own as its not that complicated
I hope you are looking forward to reading the entries as much as i am looking forward to testing them out for you.

Take care and be safe




Saturday, December 22, 2007
  Cure for Sore Throats and Colds
There is nothing I despise like having a sore throat, I would rather have a runny nose then a burning throat. Nevertheless, both are equally uncomfortable and usually last for about a week or so.

I am not a big fan of over the counter medication such as asprin etc especially now that I am pregnant with our second child I don’t like the idea of taking anything that could harm the baby. Although it is a well known fact that asprin is safe to take after the first trimester but I guess I am who I am

To make a long story short whenever I feel my throat start to itch or getting a runny nose I immediately prepare the following:

Ginger and Honey Mix

What you will need
Boiling Water
Slices of ginger (without skin) about 7 or 8 slices (the stronger the better)
Lemon (optional)

In a mug add the ginger slices, then boiling water and add honey (according to taste) I like it really sweet. Stir well andadd a squeeze of lemon if you wish!

I drink this at least 3 times a day and I always feel better and it does make a difference, try it and let me know what you think.

For a bad throat l use is a Mouth Gargle one I really like is Betadine

Photo taken from

Here is a link with more info on Betadine
Wishing you all good health...

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Friday, December 21, 2007
  Beauty Tips from around the world
Another article i found on natural beauty tips used by women around the world. I would love to hear from anyone who uses these tips and if you have any you would like to add please do.
If not, why not put these to the test and see if we can use thier tips to enhance our beauty.


Wouldn't it be great to have amazing Brazilian legs, long thick, luscious Indian hair and a Scandinavian complexion? Well, it's not all genetics.

Every country and culture has an age-old secret to keeping their woman beautiful. These tips are fun, and have been passed through generations. Plus, we all have genetic origins from other parts of the world. So if your heritage is from a certain culture, then it just follows that the advice could be applicable.

ITALY Teens are instructed by their moms and grandmas to keep their eyelashes from breaking by applying castor oil at night.

CHINA Take one-teaspoon rosemary oil, and mix it with a cup of green tea. Then pour it over your head as a final rinse for hair that really shines.
In China white tea holds the anti-aging secret!
White Tea comes from the silver tip of the green tea plant. It's also known as the emperor’s tea. Harvested over a four-day period, the plant houses all the antioxidants in the tip. It acts as an environmental shield that the free radicals can’t penetrate. Recently, a few skin care lines have realized the benefits of white tea and actually incorporated it in their products. You can find white tea in Origins products.

GREECE Grecian teens head to the beach where they oil their bodies with baby oil, exfoliate their skin with sand, and rinse it all off in the ocean. Of course, they apply their sunscreen before laying out.

POLAND Honey is used as a beauty product. Although their moms warm it and apply it all over their faces as a super moist facial treatment, polish teens use honey as a lip-softening treatment.

BRAZIL At the beach, it's common to see Brazilian women, known to be some of the most beautiful women in the world, rubbing handfuls of sand on their bodies. Why? It helps with cellulite and smoothes and stimulates the skin. In fact, Lush, a company out of England that makes fresh, handmade cosmetics, just came out with a body bar that contains sand and hydration to help smooth the skin and break up the cellulite and boost sluggish circulation.

INDIA Yogurt and almonds are an every-night necessity. Grid ten almonds to a pulp with a mallet, and then add just enough whole yogurt to make it easy to spread. This beauty mask is applied to a clean face and left on for twenty-five minutes. Then it's wiped off with cheesecloth and rinsed.
Besides in India, coconut oil is the trick to getting full, thick, shiny hair. It's also great to help strengthen thinning hair. The women in India do a hot oil scalp massage once a week. Heat some up in a bowl and give yourself a scalp massage once a week. Sleep with it on and wash in the morning! It will help seal the cuticle and rid those split ends not to mention making your hair thick and healthy.

EGYPT Keep teeth white and beautiful with a combination of baking soda and coarse salt. Apply it with your fingers and let it set a minute.

AUSTRALIA Girls here love to walk barefoot and wear toe-revealing sandals. To achieve flawless feet, they rub avocado skins all over their rough spots.

SPAIN Spanish teens sometimes party just a bit too much. When they have the dark circles to show their good time, they take a potato and cut it very thinly. Then they apply it on the eyes for ten minutes, allowing the juice to seep into the darkness.

JAMAICA These Caribbean beauties treat their skin with banana peels. They rub the peels over their face to soften and protect from the sun. They also use it on sunburned areas.

SCOTLAND Fair girls from this country have very sensitive skin. They use almond oil after cleansing.

RUSSIA On the coldest days, Russian teens express their style with jeans and the best coat they can buy. And when they cut themselves shaving, they rub garlic cloves on the affected area. Garlic contains antibacterial compounds.

JAPAN The secret of the Japanese smooth, flawless skin is camellia oil. White camellia nut oil, contributes moisturizing, conditioning, nourishing and softening benefits to the skin. It gives the skin a texture and glow unmatched by any other skin care product. There are special formulations for helping to eliminate wrinkles after giving birth, revitalizing hair growth, and treating burns. It helps to restructure the skin and strengthen nails. It is one of the most rapidly absorbed oils making it an excellent choice as facial oil. Seaweed, is also the big secret in beauty here. It's sold at supermarkets and is prized for its cleansing and toning , and its ability to make the skin glow. Teens here use it on their bodies for cellulite, on their faces as masks, and eat it in their salads to help their hair grow.

AFRICA In some areas of Africa, teens pour milk over their heads and let their hair soak every other day for twenty minutes before shampooing.

TURKEY Turkish teens eat a lot of kefir, a fermented milk product similar to yogurt. You can get the same benefits by choosing yogurt with five cultures. They help you break down food and get more nutrients from your food.

SCANDINAVIAN Scandinavian women know that beautiful skin is easy to achieve. They simply drink at least 1.5 liters of pure spring water every day and splash their faces 15-20 times twice a day with ice-cold spring mineral water. This encourages the skin's own natural functions, so it regulates itself without the aid of expensive exfoliating and rejuvenating lotions The ice-cold water also helps to reduce puffiness as well. Vadhera uses the Evian spray on her clients not only to refresh them but to set makeup.

TAIWAN These teens not only drink a lot of tea, they swab it on their body to cool sunburn. The tannic acid alleviates the sting.

FRANCE French teens are more resistant to tooth decay because they eat cheese. It contains substances that strengthen tooth enamel and neutralize plaque.

SWEDEN Swedish beauties eat wild blueberries with cereal and meats as their No. 1 beauty food.

Article taken from

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  Natural Beauty: What is it really?
Question: What is your definition of natural beauty?
I am sure i would get different replies simply cause we all have our own definitions of beauty. I was searching online for an article that defines natural beauty and i came across this article and was wondering how many of you would agree with it.

Read it and let me know what you think..looking forward to your comments.


Natural beauty is the ideal many people strive to achieve when they purchase make-up, creams, shampoos and other forms of cosmetics. But what really constitutes natural beauty, and how can it be achieved?

Many consumers, in an attempt to cleanse, tone, moisturize, mattify, shine, colour, enhance and so on, have overloaded their skin and their cabinets with too many needless products. Experts have found that 63 percent of all women complain of having developed 'sensitive skin', and many of these complaints can be traced back to an overcomplicated skin care regimen (Fairley, 2001). In contrast, the needs of human skin are simple. They are cleansing, moisture, nourishment and protection. Skin which suffers from burning, reddening, pimples, rashes and other symptoms similar to these may be caused by or made worse from adverse reactions to the cosmetic products overloading many women's cabinets. Often many of these products claim to alleviate or eliminate the very symptoms they are causing (Begoun, 1991).

When selecting skin care, it is best to choose a product formulated for your skin type. Everyone's skin is individual and varied, but to assist in product selection, and in understanding what your own skin needs, the following skin types have been generalized.
1.Balanced, which is neither oily nor dry, and similar to the skin type of children.
4.Sensitive, which is a condition involving reddening, burning or rashes when a cosmetic is applied.
5.Problem, which is prone to acne and breakouts.
6.Combination, which is most skin, containing oily and dry patches.

Beautiful skin can be obtained by making good choices for your skin, such as using cosmetic products and make-up which are truly natural. Eating a diet rich in vegetables, fruit, water and healthy oils (such as polyunsaturated fats, essential fatty acids found in flax seed oil, olive oil, etc.) all assist in achieving and maintaining healthy skin. Lastly, adequate rest, sleep and exercise also contribute significantly to beautiful skin.

Simple Skin Care Steps:
Gentle cleansing - depending on your skin type or preference, choose a natural soap.
Toning - use a toner which is alcohol-free, infused with essential oils
Daytime moisturizing - light or rich skin moisturizer
Nighttime moisturizing - use facial oils formulated with essential oils

Article By Lori Stryker, B.Sc., B.H.Ec., B.Ed.
Begoun, Paula (1991). Don't Go To The Cosmetics Counter Without Me, Beginning Press, Seattle.
Fairley, Josephine (2001). Organic Beauty, DK Publishing, London.

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Wednesday, December 19, 2007
We all know Honey has many benefits not only does it taste yummy on waffles but its actually good for us!!

Here are some facts about Honey taken from

Honey is considered the only food that includes all the substances necessary to sustain life. History has recorded honey as the most used medicine in ancient Egypt while in the First World War, honey mixed with cod liver oil were used to treat soldier’s wound.
Honey is also mentioned in the holy book for the Moslems, the Koran while the great Napoleon has also used the bees as a symbol of his empire.

Benefits :
1. Honey is sedative, anti-fungal and nourishing
2. Soothes tissues and help retain calcium in the body
3. Antibacterial – great for both internal or external problem
4. Considered to be a swiss army knife in the world of alternative medicine.5. Honey can boost the immune system

The use :
1. Mixture of equal quantities of honey and ginger juice is a good expectorant. It helps in colds, cough, sore throat and runny nose. (so true, i use this each time i have a cold dont use anything else for 2 days and off goes the cold..try it)

2. For asthma, mix half a gram of black pepper powder with honey and ginger juice mixture.
Drink this mixture a few times a day.

3. Honey can soothe and encourage the healing of sores in the mouth or vagina.

4. A bowl of oats porridge with a spoonful of honey will calm the nerve. Ideal to be taken before an exam.

5. Honey is a great moisturizer and can be used on the skin as a natural revitalizing mask (another one i have tried, works really well will post the recipe soon)

6. Eating a little local honey will make you “immune’ to pollens in the area.

7. To improve eyesight, mix honey with carrot juice. Take one hour before meals in the morning.

8. To purify the blood, mix one glass of warm water with 1-2 teaspoonful of honey and one teaspoonful of lemon juice. Take this preparation daily before you go to the toilet. It will also reduce fat and cleans your bowel. (intresting, will defintely give this one a try)

9. Natural honey causes a lower rise in blood sugar than that of refined sugars in people with Type 2 diabetes. A little unprocessed honey may be added in their drinks when they crave some sweetness in their diet. Just use raw honey to benefit from this goodness.

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  About Naturally You
I am starting Naturally You to be able to share with anyone intrested how we can use natural products to enchance our beauty. I mean, who doesnt want to look fabulous and feel great on the inside and the outside!!!

If you are like me willing to explore what beauty lies in the earth then buckle up as its going to be an intresting ride.




"Using Nature to bring out your Natural Beauty" Naturally You will explain how to take care of your inside as well as your outside.

Location: Oman
December 2007 / January 2008 / March 2008 / October 2008 /

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